Friday, September 14, 2012

2012 Fall Class Registration Information

2012 Fall Class Registration starts Sept 4 and ends Sept 26
Sign up TODAY! 510-647-2044

Open House, October 27
visit for more information about the Arts & Consciousness Program

Video and the Human Experience – Amy Conger
Too much of multi-media art becomes an isolated experience of watching a screen — an experience as unsatisfying as watching TV. In this class students will engage in a relational approach to video art as a way of connecting to and experiencing our own humanity. What surprises and delights may be ours when we find media art bringing us together, rather than isolating us from one another? For beginning and Intermediate levels. Amy is an artist, teacher and changeworker whose sole aim in life is to talk with you.
A&C 5670.2  ●  3 Units  ●  Wed, 4:30pm – 7:00pm, 10/03 – 12/12  ●  JFKU Alumni: $249 / Non-Alumni: $594 / Non-Degree Students: contact us for information

Teaching Faces of the Soul – Kaleo Ching and Elise Morris
In this class you will learn how to teach and market maskmaking workshops using unique, specialized art techniques. You will learn guided imagery skills incorporating hypnotherapy principles and practices to access inner wisdom and facilitate the transformative process. Techniques for creating sacred space, inspiring creative freedom, and facilitating self-exploration in the classroom will be included. Kaleo and Elise are the authors of Faces of Your Soul: Rituals in Art, Maskmaking, and Guided Imagery with Ancestors, Spirit Guides, and Totem Animals. For more information about Kaleo and Elise visit
A&C 5200.1  ●  3 Units  ●  Sat / Sun, 10am-6pm, 11/03 and 11/04, Sat / Sun, 10am-6pm, 11/17 
and 11/18  ●  JFKU Alumni: $249 / Non-Alumni: $594 / Non-Degree Students: call 510.647.2044 for information

Bookmaking with Found Materials - Lisa Kokin
Students will experiment with an open-ended approach to making books and expand their ideas of what constitutes a book. Possible topics to include: found text, altered books, books that do not resemble books, books presented as sculptures, book/collages, books made out of materials other than paper, and the non-readable book as sculptural object. To become familiar with a variety of approaches to the book form through both making and looking at the work of contemporary artists who use the book in their work. For more information about Lisa visit

A&C 5670.3    1.5 Units    Mon, 7:30 – 10 pm, 11/5 – 12/ 10    Fees: JFKU Alumni: $124.50 / 
Non-Alumni: $297 / Non-Degree Students: call 510.647.2044 for information

Poetry and Healing – John Fox
Poetic language that comes from the heart, has the potential to circulate everywhere. Whether it occurs one-to-one or in a group, poetry provides a way to explore numbness or feeling in a sensitive and creative response to life as it unfolds. In this class you will learn and apply principles of poetry and healing by writing and sharing original poems. No previous experience with poetry is required. John Fox is a poet and certified poetry therapist. He is author of Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-making and Finding What You Didn't Lose: Expressing Your Truth and Creativity Through Poem-Making. For more information about John visit
A&C 5670.1    2 Units    Fri, 11/30, 6 – 10 pm, Sat, 12/1, 10 – 6:30 pm, Sun, 12/2, 10 – 6:30 pm    JFKU Alumni: $166 / Non-Alumni: $396 / Non-Degree Students: call 510.647.2044 for information 

Registration Information: At JKF University, JFKU Alumni and Non–Alumni, which include JFKU students and the general public, are welcome to audit specific classes each quarter. They must fill out an Auditors Application to enroll in classes. Auditors will not receive academic credit for their classes and the class will not show up on their transcripts. Non-Degree students are individuals who are interested in taking courses for academic credit but are not currently pursuing a degree at JFKU. Students must fill out an application with Admissions and be accepted into the program by the Arts & Consciousness Program Chair. Contact us at 510-647-2044 for Registration Instructions and our Refund Policy.

JFK University, Berkeley Campus, Arts & Consciousness Program 
2956 San Pablo Ave, 2nd Floor, Berkeley, CA  94702, Office Hours: Mon - Fri, 10 am – 6 pm
Contact 510.647.2044 or to Register for Classes  
A&C Program info:,,  

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Topophilia, imaginal topographies of place, Jennifer Jastrab, MFA Exhibition

Jennifer Jastrab MFA Exhibition Topophilia

Imaginal topographies of mystical lands, cosmic skies, and winter fields welcome viewers into environments and places momentarily familiar, then strange. With common tools such as pencils, pigments, erasers and scouring pads, the artist creates richly textured and multi-layered drawings and mixed medium works on paper and panels. Through a patient process of applying and removing graphite or pigment in successive layers, ephemeral dialogues between hand and mind, memory and dream, and thought and feeling, are revealed. The confluence of incidental scratches, smears, erasures and textures form layers of psychic geographies into stratified repositories of poetic intuitions.

2012 Summer Class Registration Opens July 2

Artist in the Environment – Judi Pettite
This studio course will focus on the deep and rich practice of art making in and about our environment. We will contextualize our work by looking at the various categories of earth-based art from the Land Art of the 1960’s and 70’s to local indigo production and urban farms. Through field trips and studio work we will engage directly and personally with the inspiration that comes from our relationship to the earth. There will be one weekend field trip where the students learn about mapping and another where they will learn to make Japanese Indigo Dye.
Registration:  Last Day to Register, Wed, July 11    Class: A&C 5670.2, 3 Units    Dates:
(6 weekday classes, 2 weekend classes)    Mon, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/13, 8/20, 9/10, 4:30pm - 7:30pm, Sun, 8/5, 11am - 4pm, Sun 8/26, 11am - 3:30pm    Fees: JFKU Alumni $240 / Non Alumni $570 /
Non Degree: contact us for information

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Program News

We have entered the cycle of Spring and this may be a wonderful time to ask yourself, What in my life is arising, growing, and moving toward expression? On a program level the energy of new beginnings and expansion is reflected in our welcome of Masters in Transformative Arts spring students Kathy Gaschk and Jena Shellito and faculty Alisa Golden who will be teaching the course Writing and the Creative Process.

Spring Exhibition schedule:
MFA Debby Miller, March 24-April 20 with an artist talk April 15, 4-5pm
MFA T.C .Moore, April 28-May 18 with an artist talk May 12, 4-5pm
2012 Graduate exhibition, May 29-June 16, reception 7-8pm and ceremony 8pm

Program News: We recently received a grant from The Society for the Arts in Healthcare for consulting hours focused on accessing the viability of an Arts in Healthcare certificate in addition to the degree program.

Summer session: There will be a four week break between the end of the Spring quarter and the beginning of the summer quarter. The summer session is nine weeks long and runs from July 16-September 15, 2012.

Summer class preview (partial list):
A&C 5670 Group Studio practice: Art and the Environment, 3 units, Judi Pettite, Mondays 4:30
A&C 5670 Group Studio practice: Process Painting, 2 units, Margaret Lindsey, Tuesdays, 4:30
(studio classes are repeatable for credit)
A&C5200 Transformative Arts Education: Faces of the Soul: Mask Making, 3 units, Kaleo Ching (this will be a prerequisite to the Teaching Mask Making course in fall), July 21/22 & 28/29
A&C5255 Transformative Arts Seminar, 3 units, Date: TBD, faculty: TBD

Summer opportunities:
If you are interested in working within the healthcare field as an artist and educator you may wish to explore this resource: The Arts in Healthcare Summer Intensive at the University of Florid.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Faculty Recommendations for current Bay Area Exhibitions

Do Not Destroy: Trees, Art, and Jewish Thought is an exciting opportunity to explore the subject of the tree in Jewish tradition through the lens of contemporary artists who enable us to see the world in new ways and to encourage us to find fresh meaning in tradition. Ending date: May 28, 2012

Mark Bradford Crafting abstract paintings from fragments of the urban environment — permanent-wave end papers, billboard paper, posters, newsprint — Mark Bradford has built a body of work that is richly layered in both material and meaning. Bringing together abstraction with social awareness the paintings subtly map the patterns of class, race, gender, and sexuality that structure American life, especially life in Bradford's own South Central Los Angeles neighborhood. Ending Date: June 17, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Spring and Summer Course Information

Spring advising begins Feb. 21
On-line registration begins March 3
Spring quarter begins April 4
Spring quarter ends, Commencement, June 16

There is a university wide major change in the summer schedule this year. There will be an Intersession period of four weeks when courses are not being held. This would be a wonderful time to plan vacations and take a break before the summer academic quarter begins. The summer session will last 9 weeks instead of being 11 weeks long.

Intersession June 18-July 14

Summer schedule
Instruction begins July 16
Labor Day University Holiday — University is closed September 3rd
Instruction ends September 15

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I recently was asked to jury an exhibition for the Sebastopol Center for the Arts around the theme of "Blue" and found the process deeply engaging. Two books helped me to prepare: Color, a Natural History of the Palette by Victoria Finlay and The Anthropology of Turquoise by Ellen Meloy. I also gathered blue objects, studied the history of the blues in music, and generally opened myself to the color's energy.

The following is an excerpt of the statement that I wrote for the exhibition:
When the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard wrote, “Without blue eyes, how may we really see the blue sky? Without black eyes, how may we look at the night?” he was not speaking literally but from a symbolic understanding that the concept of blueness must become alive in ones consciousness in order to awaken to its layered presence in our lives. In selecting work for this exhibition I focused on four distinct levels of engagement with the concept of blueness that seemed to be arising in the submitted art works.

The first type of engagement is present in works that encompassed a focus above the surface (sky, light, aerial imagery). The second includes works that focused on physicality (the body, objects, materials, and environment). The third includes works that focused on blue as fluid surface (water) and the fourth includes works with a focus below the surface (emotion, memory, spirit, and symbol). The content of the art works may also move between these areas in a multifaceted journey that is a testament to the power of creative imagination.

The exhibition includes the work of A&C alumni Cindy Cleary, Margi Rhode, faculty Fariba Bogzaran and a current student T.C. Moore. If you are in the Sebastopol/Santa Rosa area between now and March 11 when the exhibition ends stop by and immerse yourself in the world of this primary color.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Winter 2012

We are engaged in entering the well of our life and in reaching as deeply into its sources as we can.
~Ira Progoff

In many cultures winter is traditionally a time of gestation and reflection. Moving into a deepening relationship with individual and collective sources of creative energy is an integral component to the flowering of new life. It allows us to trust in the greater cyclical processes that continually move around and within us. As artists, each time we reach toward the sources that support us in our creativity, we find a place of renewal and inspiration.

Program updates: Every six years each program enters into a university review process to examine the strengths of the program and to consider areas that need to be modified. These areas include enrollment, assessment, course content, learning outcomes and professional development. 2012 is designated as the official review year for A&C although we began a process of re-visioning last year based on our own internal needs. Input is continuing to be gathered on possible directions for A&C’s future through student and faculty meetings, a student survey and a series of meetings with MA and MFA alumni who were selected from a wide range of criteria including graduation dates, creative practices and career applications. Future actions to be taken include student and alumni meetings, an alumni survey and the development of an A&C program advisory committee.

Staff changes: Core faculty Robbyn Alexander will be leaving her position as an A&C administrator as of January 14th. She will continue to teach, be on Review committees and be available for Final Project Advising. Adjunct faculty Amy Conger has accepted a part time Affiliate faculty position and will be coordinating Midpoint and Final Reviews and the Mentorship program as well as advising students on academic choices as they move through their programs.

Welcome to new faculty Sas Colby who will be facilitating A&C5670 Group Studio Practice: Art as Improvisation in the Winter quarter.

Upcoming events:
NexUS12, the A&C Community Art Exhibition reception is Saturday, January 14 from 6:30-9pm.
Bring a pot luck dish, family and friends and celebrate the dynamic and vital creativity that of our program.

An Open House for perspective students will take place on the Berkeley Campus on Saturday, January 28 at 10:30am. Please pass on this information to everyone you know who could benefit from an A&C immersion into creative practice. Many people who enter the program have said that a talk with a student or alumni convinced them to explore Arts & Consciousness. You have the capability to create a growing A&C community through your inspiration and actions!

Partial Spring course preview:
New course and faculty: A&C5670 Group Studio Practice: Writing and the Creative Process with faculty Alisa Golden, 1 unit, Thursdays, 4:30-7pm
New course: A&C5670 Group Studio Practice: Dream Collage with faculty Robbyn Alexander, 2 units, Saturdays, April 14, 28 and May 12, 10:30am-6pm
Returning: A&C5342 Art and Shamanism with faculty Dr. Mark Levy, 3 units, Mondays, 4:30-7pm
A&C5675 Career Pathways with faculty Seth Eisen, 3 units, Wednesdays, 7:30-10pm
A&C 5320 Art and Symbolic Process with faculty Margaret Lindsey, 3 units, Tuesdays, 4:30-7pm